What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:20 PM Permalink
Brahmin Jokers Party should be teached a lesson in Gujarat... India Destroyers
RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by kamal juneja on Nov 04, 2007 11:27 PM Permalink
Who made Dr. Kalam President,BJP.You want Muslim should be appeased at any cost,which BJP dont do. You speak of Gujrat but not of Godhra,why double standards.Who killed 3000 sikhs in 1984.It was Congress
RE:RE:BJP copying Pakistan Model
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:44 PM Permalink
Muslim??? Does making Kalam a President.. a minority appeasment!!! What do u call traitor like vajpayee who sacrificed relolutionaries at the altar of Briish!!! BJP should be banned for they r doing Brahmin appeasment... Imagine 90 crores Hindus ruled by 5 % brahmins!!!