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Use LTTE's help
by Sridhar r on May 29, 2007 02:30 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

India can use LTTE's help to wipe out Dawood,Let,JeM groups who are real threat to india than focussing on reel threat.

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  RE:Use LTTE's help
by Ranjith on May 29, 2007 02:45 PM   Permalink
Dawood is nothing if we compare to our other real enemies.

We are facing more internal problem, we could not able to solve it.

But we could not able use any terrorist activitiy against our enemy.

We have to take a lesson from USA who support alquaida in the beginning.

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  RE:Use LTTE's help
by Sridhar r on May 29, 2007 02:49 PM   Permalink
My point is LTTE is not at all a threat to india. Islamic groups running from pakistan are conducting bomb blasts all over india everyday.*current cong govt is showing soft corner to all islamic terrroist orgzn for getting cheap votes...cong Govt should stop babbling about LTTE, as if they are conducting bomb blasts in india ....

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  RE:Use LTTE's help
by Aditya on May 29, 2007 07:53 PM   Permalink
Sridhar: I totally disagree with your assertion that the LTTE aren't a threat to India and can be enlisted to further Indian interests.

The LTTE are't really "valliant freedom fighters" for the Tamil cause. They are a bunch of crazed killers who happen to be Tamil. They don't show hesitation in killing anyone including their own Tamil bretheren.
Ranjith's comparison to the US-Mujhadeen relationship is accurate here. Eventually they will turn on India as well.

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  RE:Use LTTE's help
by kba k on May 29, 2007 09:09 PM   Permalink
Yes, Subash chandra bose was also a terrorist. Come on man! Baghat singh was also a serial killer! He didnt hesitate to kill police officer and he bombed the assembly!
There is a list of Indian terrorists before 1947.
When the army that is suppose to protect rapes, loots... you will understand the pain. That is the pain went through by the Tamils in the hands of the IPKF.
Dont show your bravery to the LTTE who fight for their existance. Show your valour to the chinks and reclaim the land taken by them. Show your valour to the Pakis to stop them taking away Kashmir. Show your valour to stop ulfa from taking away the NE.

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