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At an inflection point
by Mohan on May 25, 2007 09:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Pakistan is at an inflection point. If it democratizes (and the phenomenon around Justice Chaudhry is actually a very positive one), things will get better over time and the country will be less and less fragile, and more and more at peace with itself and with India.

Musharraf has two options - he can try to entrench himself in power (which is what he seems to be doing, and which can never succeed) or he can do something unexpected - battle the extremist elements and secularize the government in a gradual way, while creating increasing space for political play to resume. Surrender on the Justice Chaudhry issue, so that he wins the war of history.

India needs to be extremely sensitive at this time. Avoid doing anything that can push Pakistan into even greater fragility.

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  RE:At an inflection point
by chirag patel on May 25, 2007 10:04 PM   Permalink
i disagree with you mohan...reason is that democracy doesnt work in any muslim country. Because when democracy comes...religious mullahs tries to run the country by religious rule and politics and religion can never work together. I think when musharraf goes, pakistan will be a huge headache for the world..especially india and usa as it will most probably become another afghanistan...extremism at its worse...

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  RE:At an inflection point
by MKM GEN on May 26, 2007 03:26 AM   Permalink
Same old crap - "India needs to be extremely sensitive at this time. Avoid doing anything that can push Pakistan into even greater fragility" - don't you guys ever learn ? Do all that you can to de-fang a venomous snake that repeatedly bites you at every opportunity it gets. These damned idiotic Paki bhaichaara types !!

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  RE:At an inflection point
by Mohan on May 26, 2007 08:44 AM   Permalink
So, what's your plan? Have them collapse and have the nukes in the hands of the crazies? Imagine the Taliban sitting next door to you. They will be murdering away internally, but also launching endless terror attacks on us. Think the current problem multiplied by one hundred - not even counting refugees. You're just being emotional, not smart. If Pakistan or Bangladesh implode the consequences to India are really, really bad. I highly recommend that BBC documentary: Between the Mullahs and the Military

See it.

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  RE:At an inflection point
by Sam on May 26, 2007 09:32 AM   Permalink
Thats exactly what India should try for!!The moment nukes fall into Taliban.. Before they can read the manual how to operate..even if the impotent hindus cant do anything, the christians and jews under US and Israel will nuke the shit out of pakistan

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Musharraf battles the odds