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by vijay on May 18, 2007 11:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies


I believe the root cause of the terrorism is lack of farmal education. I don't think the root cause is religion.
If u look at Afghanistan 64% of population is illiterates. You see, even India lacs of people are illiterates. I strongly believe the solution to terror is education and inclusive deeds. Why only muslim terrorists? How about LTTE in Srilanka, I even heard some politicians in TM state supports LTTE cause. How about Nexalits in Madhyapradesh/Andhrapradesh/maharastra...?
How about ULFA in Assam?
How about veerappan(No longer alive)?


If religion is a problem. Why all people belong to muslims are not bad?
Why all belong to hindu/others not good. So know that problem is truly not in the religion, Its somewhere?

My personal belief is most of the organised religions are obsolete totday. They were created hundreds/thounds of yrs back. In today times religions need to be changed. Maybe holy books need to be modified. In 17/18 th century, I heard ,In west christians have changed some things in the bible. They eliminated some things/added somt, I do not know what they eliminated/added, though.

You ask either a muslim or Hindhu, well educated and leading decent life in the society to bomb a places of worship. Will HE obey? I believe certainly not. Why? He will not do, because He's well educated and have the commonsense.

I think the root cause is lack of education and lack of inclusion in the society.

What benifit we get by critisising one another? We're loosing energy and time by critisizing.

The seconday cause of the problems is politics..
You know wha, If temple s bombed only Hindus will die. If mosque is bombed only MUslims will die. But if public places are bombed, Not only Hindus will dies but muslims and other groups in the society may also die.

What benifit one will get of using dirthiest/ugliest language on religious dieties?

When people will learn to control emotions?
When people in trouble instead of showing sympathy why do u talk non-sense and provocate emotions. Remember, when somebody got killed, its the innocent who got killed.

If someone is not included in the cricket team, political parties will hire loafers and make them do newsance on the public places.

When we the heck Indians will learn to control emotions and mature enough.

It's all politics why don't u understand, my dear great Indians?

Why do u try to screw each other? If U have courage screw politicians, they r most problamatic.

IN the need of the hour, never create problems, Just Help or say How may I help you or SHUT UP! that is the best thing.

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by Anniyan on May 19, 2007 01:32 PM   Permalink
i love only girls of age mine and below 5 years..
am i funny..vijay

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