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Wild Imagination
by raghu pathy on May 14, 2007 10:55 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Wild Imagination
by raghu pathy on May 14, 2007 10:48 AM | Hide replies

Just Imagine we if we have Mayawati as Prime Minister after A B Vajpayee, Dr. Moanmohan Singh..Sounds really absurd..The question here is not of being Dalit since in the world's largest democracy, evrybdy has a rite to lead the country if he or she has the credentials..Education bakground is one necessary pre requisite, though it can be contradicted by saying wat was Dr. MG Ramachandran..But look wat he has done to Tamil Nadu, look at his achievements..the quesion is here is not caste, not education, not grut, not detrminition, it is just the vison to serve the country in the most righteous manner. Let her be the PM, but she shud ask herself that does she knw Economics, does she knw wat is people's welfare, does she knw wat is India's vision for 2020..The most important thing is vison; the vision nt to occupy PM chair, but to a vision to hold one of the highest offices to et an opprtunity to save the country..Welcome to Delhi.Ms. Maya..the mission is on for u and I m sure there will be someone better than u to crush ur mission..

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  RE:Wild Imagination
by hari kumar on May 14, 2007 12:32 PM   Permalink
Dear Raghupathy,
You are totally wrong. The foremost qualification for a leader is sincere to understand the subjects' problem in general at the very interest of the Motherland's integrity and the possible practical approch to set it with out prejudice or appeasement to any persons or institutions and once the true plan is clear execute it with firm determination. If time and situation demands use the entire state power and resources with great faith in truth!
...And as you boast about X, Y or Z I do not think that they too did anything not at the mass interest of the people. It was like collecting the resources of state by any means and distributing it at their own interest to be at the helm of power for ever!!.
But, the nature has its own unwritten laws and rules (say GOD's rule)where one has to submit oneself a day. Who qualifies to be remembered or admired/worshiped for long cannot be determind by a group(let it be profously established like POPE's)or group of countries. Many try to impose this superiority by inhuman means and deeeds and mass suffers a lot for centuries.
Again, why Vision for 2020 only? Why cannt for centuries? you are limiting your own progress giving it a time limit. Let the Vision pass on and practiced willfully with necesssary changes as and when required according to the running situations. Why should a PM to be graduated on a particular subject? You mean to say Economics is the platform qualification for a leader???
We have thousends of professional celibreties on deferent field and they can serve or assist the leader.
Thanks and bye...

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Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP