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support the UP experiment
by sudheer mahajan on May 14, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

would the commie ,isi & congress sold out incestous traitor press have supported a person if he had shown a nude christian or muslim diety in a painting or even mentioned trheir name in a syort or cartoon we saw how the commie ,isi & congress sold out traitor press shamelessly behaved with regards to the danish cartoons all these bullies only understand the stick bigger the better we hindus keep quite that is why these bullies (commie ,isi & congress sold out traitor press ) keep needling us if the press treated the muslims like they treat us their presses would be burnt & they themselves would be running foe their lifes
What has happened in UP I am very proud that at last the upper caste hindus are supporting the dalits who other wise would become cannon fodder for the cristians & muslims
We all should support this experiment in UP Because this is the only way to preserve hindusism

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  RE:support the UP experiment
by T a s i n on May 14, 2007 11:20 AM   Permalink
OK OK Ok...
first irrelevant to the topic here.. n second beta please learn some grammar b4 posting sometimes..
n yes i understand ur feelings abt paintings ..

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  RE:support the UP experiment
by jay kumar on May 14, 2007 11:34 AM   Permalink
Your grammer sounds shocking to me as well. It would be better if you yourself improve your grammar first. B4 = before; n = and abt=about
I do not how you guys can afford computers in India when you do not know how to write proper english in a civilized way.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP