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  RE:please post this again and again
by avada kedavra on May 14, 2007 02:21 PM   Permalink

read article by BJP spokesperson

The most exciting news of the UP election is the phoenix-like rise of BJP and it is curious to understand the perception particularly of the media about the BJP. Hardly a couple of months ago, when, as the national spokesperson of the party, I used to interact with them daily, their response was that BJP would be lucky if it reaches somewhere 40-50 seats in the Vidhan Sabha.

When the first round of election started, the reaction was, you may cross 70-75 and now the same %u201Cmedia people%u201D are commenting that the BJP would certainly cross 100-110 seats. The most interesting thing happened in a leading English channel NDTV on the exit poll of the first day of polling. I was invited on their show and they predicted that the BJP would get 50-60 seats. I strongly protested that ground reality is completely different and the result would be beyond imagination.

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  RE:please post this again and again
by Ahmad Rais Siddiqi on May 14, 2007 02:55 PM   Permalink
My very dear Mr.X.Y.Z(As u have not mentioned yr name)?
Bhagwaan aapko hamesha prasann Rakhkhe aur aap issi tarha se apne dill ki baat karte rahein taki hunm bhi aap se kuchh waartaa laap karsakein;
I was very delighted to know that y read all these religious books and yr best friend is some Muslim.
U will be happy to know that I also daily read Geeta,Ramayan,Mahabharata,Bible,Quran and other books of religions of man for the last many years and my best friend is also a hindu and his name is Tek Chand Sharma who is an engineer and works with me for over two decades.
Even my grand father's best friend was also a Hinduand his name is Professor Habans Lal Sharma who was the head of the deptt. of Hindi and was also an acting V.C.of AMU Aligarh.
I also go to Temples,Gurdwara,Churches and Mosques but I never have feeling like u have developed.
Muslims are not so what u have described and if some uneducated muslim says so than he is wrong.
Islam has never said so.
Quran says"Never say Kaafir to anyone".Never say bad words to any one.
Allah has sent 175000 Paighambers of Islam in whole world, so u don't know who is who.
ALL religions say th ame thing but we have misquoted them
I love all persons of this world loke my real brother and sister because all came from one male Aadam(Adam) and Hawwah(Eve).
So you r my cousin also.
So I love u like all in this beautiful world.
I also did not mind yr words because it is natural if u face such situations.
Pl love everyone irrespective of caste,creede and colours.
Take care carefully but cooly.
Bye bye;;
Yr's Duaga,
Engineer Ahmad Rais Siddiqi(Alig)
International radio/tv commentator & Quiz Master,
Science,political,spiritual,sports and features write.
(M) 09868390783;Phone;01126941345(R)
E mail;
pl feel free to contact me on my nos.
Regards to all in yr family and friends.

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  RE:RE:please post this again and again
by ratnajayant jayant gudavally on May 15, 2007 12:01 PM   Permalink
Why God is taking so much of time to multiply people like you Ahmad Rais ? You have won my heart. Why can't these fragile religious fanatics listen to their conscience. Can not belive how they could be made so dead at heart and mind. What's the future of their souls ??????God help them!.... us too!


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Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP