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all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by jawahar peter on May 14, 2007 12:25 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

this is the divine giving education to indian masses equality is being brought in india.thanks to BIBLE.

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  RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by Younus Khan on May 14, 2007 12:34 PM   Permalink
hello peter how much were ur adivasi ancestors paid by missionaries to become the brown slaves of white man?

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  RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by NKC on May 14, 2007 01:24 PM   Permalink
Younus Khan (suspect some VHP guy hiding in muslim name), Can you pls tell me what is your rate buddy?

If you are so concerned why don't you go and take care of the well being of Adhivasis from your pocket.

You neglegted their well being for centuries and now how come you have a heart to blame missionaries.

If you have real concern & love, express that in action.

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  RE:RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by rita roy on May 14, 2007 12:48 PM   Permalink
adivasi were honest human beings paid paltry amt for their hard work in the missionaries. i am from a convent where we had adivasi ayahs and gardeners so dear friend khan dont downgrade the dalit christians who have worked for society

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  RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by Surya Kanishka on May 14, 2007 01:49 PM   Permalink
Which religious education you are talking Peter ? this one is purely taught with conversion zeal. Concessions, appeasements, forceful praying, bapistising, Prostelysation etc do want me tell more on this. All the worlds white pages,memory chips availabe are not enough to write the innumerable atrocities commited and being committed by the Christian missioneries in the disguise of social service.

They are divine in bringing untold miseries and death to the poor populace of the third world countries who by nature are soft. That is the reason it was able spread in Latin America, Africa, Asia. Please note it failed to holdground and spread in the Middle East, Nortern Africa, SE Asia.

If they wanted to do social service what is the need to convert people, one service without even asking the religion.

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  RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by Ranjit Singh on May 14, 2007 02:30 PM   Permalink
come on guys why r you fighting for just a single this which has nothing to do...CAST.....who is dalit tell me the person who is untouchable.....Dear now it is new century comming and stop fighting over this silly thing......Give your mind a break.....Think ve....cast is not going to give anything to you.....You can see now a high cast people raping a low cast....does that any religion teaches us??? just think keeping urself in position.........believe in One god One religion......and fight for making INDIA a super power not just fighting on cast...

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  RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by Surya Kanishka on May 14, 2007 01:44 PM   Permalink

Which religious education you are talking Peter ? this is purely with conversion zeal. Concessions, appeasements, forceful praying, bapistising, Prostelysation etc do want me tell more on this. All the white pages,memory chips availabe are not enough to write the innumerable atrocities commited and being committed by the Christian missioneries in the disguise.

They are divine in bringing untold miseries and death to the poor polace of the third world countries who by nature are soft. That is the reason it was able spread in Latin America, Africa, Asia. Please note it failed to holdground and spread in the Middle East, Nortern Africa, SE Asia.

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  RE:RE:all dalith christians r happy at sister mayawathis sucess
by Mohan Ray on May 14, 2007 12:44 PM   Permalink
how funny, even christianism has not been able to elevate u from "dalith-ism". U r still a dalith. Isnt that funny u.

U shd feel shame to call urself dalith. U know, u can convert from hinduism to christianism or even muslim or to hell, but it'll never change ur mentality.

U r a "dalith" in ur mentality and u'll die like that.

Is their any castism among "converted christians" in india??? Hahaha,

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