We have almost succeeded in defeating Brahmins politically %u2014thanks to parliamentary democracy taking roots in our soil. Even in the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP)-ruled states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh there is no Brahmin Chief Minister. The BJP itself stands divided and virtually on a deathbed. And a veritable anti-Brahmin struggle is going on inside this pure Brahmin party. Does it mean it is a happy news that in India Brahminism indeed is dead and gone?
No. It only means that the Brahmins are losing political power. But before getting defeated, the Brahmins have seen to it that political power is no power %u2014 reduced to zero.
Those misquoting Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar saying %u201Cpolitical power is the master-key%u201D must tell us why even after Dalits got this %u201Cmaster-key%u201D in UP during Mayawati%u2019s regime four time they lost it?
RE:RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by Marvel on May 14, 2007 10:30 AM Permalink
Stupid by on,
You seem to be celebrating independence of dalits in UP. Know that Mayawati has come to power owing to 86 seats of Brahmins. She has learnt that power can be obtained by creating harmonious mix of castes. hence she has won on brahmin-dalit votes combined. Also CEC was instrumental in keeping the Goonda's raj of Maulayam at bay during the election.
Do not trumpet stupidly. Know the facts and post a message.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by jaishrikrishna yadav on May 14, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
Baloni. Only 24 of these 86 really converted for BSP.
jaisa bo-ogey, vaisa bharo-gey. Though it has taken a long time for this UP result, it%u2019s worth the wait. Who do you think has been the ultimate beneficiary of the varnas since its origin? And what has been the population percentage of the beneficiary on such a long time line? The injustice has been of centuries my friend, let alone decades or years. One can only think and feel pity for those from UC who think they simply deserve the share better because they got what it takes. Bullshit. You can%u2019t wipe off history of centuries overnight and expect the cake on a plate, just coz you aint the only fellow in town to make and distribute the cake.
However, there will be challenges in this power equation. This marriage has been tried before by Mayawati (BJP BSP) and it did not work. It will only work this time to the extent that she will most likely complete the term due to 206 seats. But make no mistake; the road for her will be treacherous. She may be able to make the cake, but won%u2019t be able to fully enjoy it. Guaranteed.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by on May 14, 2007 10:37 AM Permalink
The Brahmins surrendered before Mayawati because they were alarmed by the awakening of Dalits and other Bahujan castes. The Brahmin surrender before Dalits is the direct result of "caste identity" and caste consolidation.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by on May 14, 2007 10:42 AM Permalink
Brahmins thought and thought and finally decided to seek the protection of Dalits. And as a Dalit and also a woman Mayawati extended her helping hand -on the condition that they will remain as the servants and followers of Dalits. What Mayawati did was perfectly in accordance with Ambedkarism - as applied to vote politics.
RE:RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by ashok tiwari on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM Permalink
Can u think beyond Brahmin and dalit. What ou constructive contribution u r making to the cause of Dalits? If Brahmins become servants of Dalits how does it help either the Dalits or the society or YOU Mr ON. Will you become Double ON or OFF. Ambedkarism is not to make Brahmin the servants of dalits but to have equality of all in the society. 'Jute Chaar' can get u 100 seats; but for majority u have to be take every one along with you. Mayawati has understood it and you havent Mr ON.