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Curse to UP & BIHAR
by sunil s on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Seeing the fight among themselves of yadavas in UP & Bihar I sometimes feel the story I was told about the curse in the epic Mahabharat is really true. "Bhagwan srikrishna was cursed by kunti that the yadavs will never stay in piece and harmony holding him responsible for all the killings during that war"

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  RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by Krishnan Iyer on May 14, 2007 11:30 AM   Permalink
The Yadavas were also cursed by Yayati. Yayati's son Yadu (who was the progenator of the Yadava clan) was cursed by Yayati. As a result, the Yadavas have always faced a sorry fate - to this day.

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  RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by anish mishra on May 14, 2007 11:49 AM   Permalink
ok.But where is that buffoon Arjun Singh?

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  RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by ramachandran nair on May 14, 2007 12:31 PM   Permalink
it is not a matter where he (Amar Singh) is. during the last 15 years, with the support of mulayam, he has amassed wealth and siphoned to AB. He has become a hero from zero and king maker in political circle. Govt every tried to find out where this wealth has come from both in the case of amarsingh and mulayam singh. In any case, peopled are relieved, the gunda raj is no more. It is the turn of Mayavati to eliminate such gundas from the politial scene altogether. She is now the CM of UP and not a dalit leader and should behave accordingly. Do not waste money and energy to make further gardens in the name of ambedkar. Garden she can make, but they are named differently, otherwise by chance mulayam returns to power, such gardens are not taken care of.

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  RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by naveen yadav on May 14, 2007 12:11 PM   Permalink
there is correction.. Krishna was not cursed by Kunti but by Gandhari. But the thing u r trying to say is evident in not only yadavs but also in other communities.

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  RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by Manu Anand on May 14, 2007 11:17 AM   Permalink
Amazing recollection sir..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP