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by aijaz on May 11, 2007 06:53 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

why doesnt rediff publish truth of fake encounters and cutodial killings happening in kashmir.It is but obivious when the brutal forces get hold of anyone they will make them say what ever they want to . Nobody in kashmir believes these stories becusa they know how democratic India is with lawys like POTA and AFSPA.

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  RE:real image
by Suman Bhat on May 11, 2007 10:04 AM   Permalink
kashmiries are enjoying freedom of air b'cuz os ind army force. enjoying life b'cuz of ind tax payers money. No country gives such benefits in world just b'cuz they are muslim mejority area. Haj subsidy,subsidy in petrol, power, balanket, food free fiancance etc...ppl like aijaz and kashmiriri netas never cried when their own hindu brothers are butchered. recently hurriyat leader public rally was full of pakis who were shoutin anti indian slogans. ppl who say ther are kashirmeis but not indians, but accept all help from india are qafirs.
in pakistan monsters are killing their own bros and sis. and kahsimire ppl who support paki terrorists will pay heavey price.
IF ind stop financing and security kashmir valley will be one of poor islamic country with full of jighid taliban force like afghanistans ppl like aijaz are traitiors.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'J&K being wrongly portrayed'