RE:I am sorry
by Chandu on May 09, 2007 07:19 PM Permalink
That's a smart move dude. In fact that's what is happening to the most of the Christian world. Christianity is on the wane after more and more revelation of Jesus and Mary. Good luck.
RE:I am sorry
by S DSouza on May 09, 2007 07:32 PM Permalink
dont worry all.. we are the largest religion in the world and is growing at a steady pace... U can say anything about any god u like...cause this is the place where u can hide behind like a coward and say anything...U trying to drive muslims out for so many years... Never once u fanatics can understand that it is impossible... Be thankful that these poor people changing to christianity and not into islam,.. guess what how would you deal with muslims fanatics ..
RE:I am sorry
by Bheja Try on May 09, 2007 07:46 PM Permalink
your figures of christianity are exaggerated. moreover drug addicts and drunkards, the majority of them do not count for much
RE:RE:I am sorry
by Srinand Kaushik on May 09, 2007 08:30 PM Permalink
world's largest religion ? in fact in Bangalore mosquitoes are on a raise !! abundancy doesn't justify one's relevance.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by Younus Khan on May 09, 2007 07:34 PM Permalink
d souza why are xtians always shows as drunkards in bollywood and why are their women always shown as having low character? because thats the reality which is reflected on screen
RE:I am sorry
by S DSouza on May 09, 2007 07:39 PM Permalink
Younus Khan... Its better you dont talk too much.. Your name is already branded as terrorist by these fanatics i am dealing right now...Go check in the other discussion board you are branded as terrorist and spies of pakistan...
RE:I am sorry
by S DSouza on May 09, 2007 07:14 PM Permalink
Nice try Bheja Try.. This shows that when you cant compete fairly than you change your name as mine and post all these messages... but all knows that a true believer(christian) will never write something like that... We all know how u fanatics know only language of trishul and gada... u cant compete with us on the discussion board and anywhere in the field also
RE:I am sorry
by Younus Khan on May 09, 2007 07:33 PM Permalink
if they cant compete fairly how can u say ur missionaries who exploit poor people are competing fairly ? this proves hypocrisy of crusaders why is it that most crusades ended in failure? hahaha