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Exit Polls
by Ashutosh Kole on May 08, 2007 10:24 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Exit Polls predicted BJP to win by majority in the last Lok Sabha elections. What happened? Did it score? Matter of fact, Congress became the single largest party and formed a Government. Exit polls cannot work for Indian elections. Indian society, thinking, politics, politicians and election dynamics are too complex to be sampled by say 40000 people. So these exit polls can be a 'feel good' factor for some people and entertainment for others but are seldom able to say any truth.

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  RE:Exit Polls
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on May 08, 2007 10:36 PM   Permalink

There are limitations of exist poll. How the questions are framed. How they target people. How those answers are interpreted.

At at every level, there is a possibility to manipulate those politically.

And that's what is happening now in India.

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UP: BSP to emerge single largest