Divide the state into smaller states of nearly 3-4 crore each and that will make governance and development easy. Bihar was divided, Bengal was divided, Punjab was divided, South was divided, and UP should be divided too. It's difficult to focus on development projects if the state has such huge population. The only places that are more populated than UP are China, India, USA and Brazil.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:50 PM Permalink
not really. Hyderabad means 3 million muslims and more than 4 million Hindus from Andhra living there, and many of them are migrants from coastal Andhra and are highly influential people. The reason why Telangana is a tried a tested case is mainly because of this reason. There are people from other states in large numbers as well. I don't think they want a muslim rule either.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:55 PM Permalink
because of the number clout i believe. Besides that, Urdu was nurtured in Hyderabad. The Hindi people speak there is urdu oriented.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:54 PM Permalink
muslims of Hyderabad are some of the most backward people on Earth. Most of them don't pay electricity bills to begin with. They live in old city adjacent to main city. I don't know why they want to rule sophisticated city people living there who are mostly Hindus.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
I don't think Nizam could have lasted long even if the Indian state failed to act. He was ruling a state that was hindu dominated and bordered with hindu dominated states everywhere. That will only mean Nizam overthrow at some point.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
The idea of forming a muslim state will not jell well with non-muslims living in Andhra. It will polarise the entire state if the proposal takes concrete shape. Telugu people call the city as Bagyanagaram. So they have made it a part of their own after state was formed. Any plans to separate it will communalize the state.
Correct. That's why COngress will slowly give in. Like special rights for Hyd. Then add few more........This way, MIM will be happy. And Congress will get their vote.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 11:07 PM Permalink
The other way to see it is, hindus will get frustrated if Congress gives in and they will rope in BJP. Seems Congress will die a painful death if it appeases or not in what is a dormantly polarized state.
RE:Burdens of UP are it's size
by chaitanya kumar on May 08, 2007 10:45 PM Permalink
yeah muslim state is problem. We have Kashmir which is muslim dominated and most of Indian security forces virtually live there because of that. One more muslim state means a million more Indian army recruits and thousands of tanks. It's a problem :-)