hi all, not only we require hi-tech to our army but also we have to fight these militants on ideological front also. we have to understand their ideology for what purpose they are fighting. their ideology is "Jehad" and to eliminate other sects from their dominace portion. we have to accept their motive and find ways to sideline such forces whether in arms or just sympathisers. unless and untill we will accept politically the ground realities of militancy in kashmir and in other parts of india we will be unable to fight such militant forces because itis war of nerves also. it requires political will from all the corners and from all the parties,all political parties have to adopt secularism in true sense and not only for muslims( militant is a militant not muslim,hindu,sikh etc.).
RE:Hi-tech terrorists baffle Indian Army
by mir hussain on May 07, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
First i could like to Quote this saying "People hate those things which they hardly know". Being a muslim it is wrong on my side if i criticise other religion since i hardly know about them. What we see or read on the net, need not be true. Just boz of few lunatics you can't blame the whole community & religion. I sincerly believe that people who are incapble of dilvering good's only, know only to criticise rather than trying to know the truth.
RE:Hi-tech terrorists baffle Indian Army
by ravishankar singh on May 07, 2007 04:14 PM Permalink
my friend hussain, iam not criticising peace loving people of your side.i am criricising only those fanatics who believe in "armed jehadi ideology". if you are not follower and sympathiser of this ideology than where is a blame on any community.come and join hands to oppose such persons who are maligning your community by jehadi ideology.