The Indian govt is not talking about opening up of 7 more cross-points with Pakistan - as if infiltration was not enough to islamize India. Soon India would become and be announced as an Islamic state. I request all sane people to vote Congress and its allies out of the central govt for playing with national sovereignity.
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by AmarAkbar Antony on May 07, 2007 03:45 PM Permalink
Indians will cry blood through their eyes for entrusting India to the Sonia, Manmohan, Arjun Singh mafia. We cannot really balme poor Manmohan Singh who is only SSL (Sonial Sandal Licker).
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by Nitin jain on May 07, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
I feel that india ( Not Bharat) has lost his Indenty. beacuse she is india NOT BHARAT. THIS COUNTRY is always (GOOLAM) under control by invader. that is her especiallity. HINDU IS MADE FOR CONTROL BY MUSLIM AND OTHER MINIORTY. THIS IS THE TRAGEDY BY HISTRY THAT OTHER COMMUNITY IS ALWAYS RULE over hindu. but these bastered hindu will never understand.
by Nitin jain on May 07, 2007 04:04 PM Permalink
Why we ( Hindu, although i feel frustated)not maintain glory, etho and culture of our religion like maintain by CHINA, AMERICA AND OTHER EUROPIAN COUNTRY.NOT FRAN AND BRETAIN ( because slowely slowely they are going to islamization).if our system - DEMOCRAY - Rotten democracy mean CHOES WHERE FREEDOM WITH ACCOUNTABLITY AND WITHOUT RESPONSBILITY.where milliom donkey electa dumb and deaf dunkey among them to rule and fullfill their agenda.
RE:Islamization of India by Congress
by abhishek anand on May 07, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
by the way goshal, if we vote out congress who would come to power?... BJP..... Same guys who with all band party went to wahga border for lahore bus, to start bus service only to be taken by surprise in Kargil, after few months. Or a BJP Government who escorted terrorists to Kandhahar...... or to BJP which has an Iron Man called Advani who kissed Jinnah's ..... in his Pak visit. Or BJP which is so honest to the cause of Hindus, that it sleeps for most of the times and start its Hindu Yatras at the time of Elections. Election over, Yatra over, topic over. I dont say congress is good, but tell me a better option please