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us rocks
by indian on May 04, 2007 03:50 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

why should US interests relate to us.
when did US support when we cryed about terrorists activities in J&K
how is the gas line between iran and india related to US. It is none of their buisness.
even after all these north korea has acquired nuclear capability. Is india alone responsible for all problems in the world.
It is shame that US says we are two big democracies. When and in which aspect did it really help us in any of activities other than helping pakistan. A crocodile like US cries on human rights without cleaning its own house. Hang the yankees

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  RE:us rocks
by faisal tabrez on May 04, 2007 04:03 PM   Permalink
Still their frontline concern that Indian is trying to illegally import tech from US justifies that they are having cunning eyes on each and every moment of ours. Time is same again US has played same old british tacts of divide and rule. They have made it happen in Mid East. Before they explore with their insane intention to East we must stop them using diplomatic measures i.e- not agreeing on Iran issue, nuclear issue etc. This will help us to contain them in the mid east region. Also this delay in formulating their intention will jeopardise the ideological US set up in US itself and hence will make them to move backwards. Containg US is for sure the only left measure for future powers like India, China and other countries. We have a cause to make it today- Iran, terrorism, nuclear war heads, Green house and many more... We must utilize this time frame for strong development from inside to outside. Curbing corruption is the firs step and we will have laughing results if we can do it ASAP.

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Senator's letter to PM rocks RS