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the letter is nothing to do with sovereignty.!
by ramesh d on May 04, 2007 03:50 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is plain letter stating that,if u want to do business with us forget Iran.
The discussion should be "who to choose? IRAN or US??
NOT on ,that we are buckling under pressure.
The letter says clearly US interest,if we support it they will support else,relation will be bad.

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  RE:the letter is nothing to do with sovereignty.!
by Narendra Tade on May 04, 2007 04:34 PM   Permalink
It is regrettable that you miss the point and the essence of the letter.

The letter clearly spells of a 'threat' from an assumed position of a big brother and difinitely means much more than 'if you want to do business with us ....' condition.

It means, awarding an adverse stand in UNO, World Bank (IBRD), Commonwealth(through GB) and a non-cooperative position in a host of other international bodies that range from health, trade, education, employment,sports etc...In other words - it is a threat of sanction.

But, I am sure, US will not make the mistake of treating the capabilities of India to be in similar lines with a Vietnam or Afganisthan or Iraq or Iran or Somalia

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Senator's letter to PM rocks RS