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iran and US
by seek the truth on May 04, 2007 11:07 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

india needs to decide who can give moer, what will benefit us

pro china lobby wants us to support iran

we will benefit more by going with US

that simple

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  RE:iran and US
by ratnesh srivastav on May 04, 2007 11:12 PM   Permalink
No one can or will give India any thing. We cannot go for only one option. We have to extract benefits both from IRAN and US.

For example look at pakistan: They are taking benefits from US and china eventhough US and china are ENEMIES...

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  RE:iran and US
by Shahryar Pax on May 05, 2007 12:31 AM   Permalink

The Iranian people are getting thoroughly pissed-off with their mullahcracy --- especially with their latest nonsense on dress-code violations.

Hopefully the masses will revolt soon and lynch those mullahs from the cranes they enjoy using to hang people with.

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  RE:iran and US
by ashok leyland on May 05, 2007 10:51 PM   Permalink
Why should you advocate licking this or that one's feet? This is the typical Indian attitude, never take responsibility, just follow the crowd, and see where this has got us! Are you really that foolish to think you will get anything from anyone simply by siding with them even if they are not interested in giving anything to you?
Of course not. If India has any dignity the govt. will tell the US that we brook no interference in our affairs being an independent nation.
This matter should have been made public, the US ambassador reprimanded and the US govt. told to mind it's own business as it does not rule India and never will.
That means standing up. More respect to Iranian and Venezualan presidents who have publicly condemmed US interference in their affairs and stood up for their country's rights.

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