The letter is written by us Senator and it is not by US govt..our parliaments seems too have lot of time in discussing such foolish issues what next ? they will come out with legislation that only 27% (as they are obseesed by this fih=gure)of US senators can write letters ......i wonder if an Italian senator had written this leeter what would have been the reaction...???
by Pat Thakur on May 04, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
Dear friend, you have gone completely off - track. If only for once, our Politicians have shown some Sense & Unity cutting across party lines to screw the USs High Handedness which is spelling Disaster everywhere in this world. Isn't that great enough? Regarding the question of an MP writing or a PM writing letters, the govt. is completely responsible as both MP's & PM's are Spares ofa big mechanism called Govt.
by Deepak on May 04, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
they may have done that when they had a break off screwing each other. They will shortly resume their primary duty.