RE:down with american imperialism
by Rajesh Vyas on May 04, 2007 04:47 PM Permalink
The communists are a bunch of JOKERS. They only pay lip service to people's interests.
Do you know they supported China against India in the 1962 Border War. They are traitors of the highest order. The less you talk about these jokers the better.
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:50 PM Permalink
@ rajesh, can u prove this allegation? however, i can prove that vajpayee himself is a traitor
RE:down with american imperialism
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:45 PM Permalink
Datta, U would never know what all good Vajpayee govt. has done to India .. U are not capable coz U are leftist and U can only oppose .. any move ... In fact Vajpayee is one of the est Foreign affairs diplomat India ever had and hence even the Congress govt had used his skills by sending him for the WTO seminar as head of the Indian delegation ... U guys only concentrate on how to destroy WB .. U guys cannot do any good nor can keep anything good ...
RE:down with american imperialism
by sudhakar narone on May 04, 2007 04:32 PM Permalink
I think you are correct, thats why during Vajpayee tenure Pokharan II happened for which Narasimha Rao only dreamed of. And the leftist never able to stand on its own feet always take the crutch from those double standard Congress and blame them black and blue.
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:46 PM Permalink
@ sudhakar, pokhranII has proved to be a backfire. we indirectly helped pakistan to become a declared N power. as 4 the 2nd part of ur post, please be sure that we stand on ur own feet. in fact the present govt at the centre too is standing on ur cruthes, not the other way round as u say.
RE:down with american imperialism
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:40 PM Permalink
do u remember how advani & fernandes wanted to open up our air force facilities for them? we stopped that. remember how the present govt wanted to send force in iraq? we stopped that too.
RE:down with american imperialism
by G S Uppal on May 04, 2007 04:35 PM Permalink
vajpayee govt never bent on its knees, it was the one which did nuclear test though knowing of the sanctions very well, and it stood the sanctions and US had to bend on its knees we all know. India never extracted that much flesh from US in its history as it did under the able guidance of Jaswant Singh being Foreign Minister. Pak was cornered from all sides during that period, and screws were tightened. Congress rules in India have always seen non-clear foreign policies.
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:42 PM Permalink
@ uppal, u mention jaswant singh? that same person who accompanied a terrorist to kandahar? SHAME