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US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Ice Fruit on May 04, 2007 04:14 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Respected Congressman,

Please answer following questions,

1. Who used nuclear bomb first time in history?
2. Who used chemical bombs in viatnam?
3. Who trained Bin laden and sponsered terrorisom in Afganisthan?
4. Who attacked iraque and bombed it to stone age?
5. Who is provising assistance to a country sponsoring terrorism in kashmir?
6 Where in the world any one can f* (Uncontrolled sex) anyone ?

You are uncivilized and does not have right to comment on India.

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  RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:25 PM   Permalink
& who attacked iraq saying that there is WMDs present. and then nothing found so far?

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  RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:55 PM   Permalink
It's fine. After all Saddam was no saint and was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people. He has been paid back in the same coin. Further, why did Iraq tried to invade Quwait in the first instance and invite troubles for it.

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  RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:48 PM   Permalink
Datta, U would never know what all good Vajpayee govt. has done to India .. U are not capable coz U are leftist and U can only oppose .. any move ... In fact Vajpayee is one of the est Foreign affairs diplomat India ever had and hence even the Congress govt had used his skills by sending him for the WTO seminar as head of the Indian delegation ... U guys only concentrate on how to destroy WB .. U guys cannot do any good nor can keep anything good ...

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  RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by ramachandran nair on May 04, 2007 05:07 PM   Permalink
In fact america is sponsoring terrorisim, though pakistan, and they are being paid by them only. India is suffering on account of terrorism. This is amercicans dual policy which cannot be accepted by Indians. We should not allow them to interfere in the internal and as well as international affairs of our country. We know what we are doing and what we ought to do. They have distoryed Russia, Afghan, Iraq and now they are after Iran and thereafter it would be the turn of Pakistan. Pak, be aware of this nefarious design of America

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  RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Shane Alam on May 04, 2007 04:35 PM   Permalink
100% agreed don't comment & interfere in Indian foreign policies.

America has secured energy reserves, India also has the right to develop strong in middle east lest we face any energy crisis.


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