Russia and Saudi Arabiah have each more crude and natural gas resources than Iran. And there are so many other nations with plenty of crude and natural gas reserves. India has discovered hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in KG basin since the past few years. The proposal to build a gas pipeline was made much before that and is gaining prominence recently because of devious UPA policies. According to some reports, the wealth of reserves in KG basin that has been discovered is very less compared to it's actual reserves. Cairns Energy has discovered billions of barrels of crude in Thar deserts and there too much is yet to be realized of what the actual amount of reserves are. India has more benefit for now by aligning with US and Israel rather than Iran. The recent jestures of UPA government towards theocracy in Pakistan is unheard of before. It seems to be pursued by groups who have something to gain by coming close to muslim theocratic nations. Friendship with muslim nations is good, but it should be pure business. India can join hands with US in gaining supply from oil fields in Iraq which is in US control. And there are many other nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan and nations in North and East Africa. This pipeline plan between Iran-Pakistan-India will bring uncertainities to Indian future interests because both those nations are severly affected by Islamic fundamentalism and their virus will spread here. And Iran gaining nukes will hurt India more than USA. One more nuke power in the region, more instability. US should help India in containing Pakistan to rid the world of future terrorism and division of Pakistan will pay dividends to both India and US.
RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
I fully agree with U, Chaitanya .. The gas pipeline is going to be a waste coz these two countries Iran and Pakistan can cut off the supply any time coz these both countries are No 1 enemies of India .. so it is better that we align with USA (ofcourse not to compromise our soverignity etc) and gain from that relationship .. see ,,,, Japan, China and now even Russia are improved/improving due to US support ...
RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 04:18 PM Permalink
don't get sentimental dude. The pragmatic thing for India to do is pursue policies with long term perspectives. There is nothing in it about kissing or licking a**es. You must be a stupid psuedo secular or marxist guy who don't have brains to think properly.
RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
very well said. We need to secure our interests and the Prime Minister understands the same very well.
RE:RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on May 04, 2007 04:29 PM Permalink
hey chaithanya.. have a forsight inclusive of future far sight maraya. what has usa got to do with Indias relations with Iran. usa is selling nucler fuel that it and not technology.. so which technology is it talking about. all hell words. for ur kind info usa supported iran during gulf war and now its against so we shouldnt deal or trade.. hah biased usa politicians. u along with them go to helllll....
RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by Hari Babu on May 04, 2007 04:16 PM Permalink
Dont believe Reliance about their claims on KG basin till you have actual production. They are master manupulators and all these claims are to jack up their share prices.
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 04:21 PM Permalink
well, Reliance has already started construction of structures in Kankinada coast alongside the KG basin to facilitate the production of distribution of natural gas into finished products. The project seems to cost around 5 billion dollars. Maybe you are right about the speculation thing, but ONGC found reserves in the same place so did GPC. Now these are state corporations and don't speculate as Reliance does.