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by on May 04, 2007 08:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I do not understand why indian government sees in Iran. India should cut off all its dealings with Iran . Why Iran, because it is a terroist state thats why. I am surprised to see the stupid partnership between India , a democratic country and Iran, a terrorist state.
Government of india ... Why are you so stupid?
get ride of your stupid relationship with you and iran if you want India to grow as it does now

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by on May 04, 2007 08:48 PM   Permalink
I do not understand what indian government sees in Iran. India should cut off all its dealings with Iran . Why Iran, because it is a terroist state thats why. I am surprised to see the stupid partnership between India , a democratic country and Iran, a terrorist state.
Government of india ... Why are you so stupid?
get ride of your stupid relationship with you and iran if you want India to grow as it does now.
Think of India first . Do not make foolish partnerships

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by Murthy on May 04, 2007 08:45 PM   Permalink

Nevermind the foreign policies of USA. Average American dont know or care for what is happening behind the closed doors of Capitol Hill, and games politicians play.

But an alternative view is this - USA receives 1 million legal immigrants every year plus 30 million illegals already in.

I bet you a million dollars that no one would choose Iran over USA in their wildest dreams and live in a sick and repressive society where women are stoned to death for having sex and you have to dress like a stupid camel to avoid the "moral police".

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by on May 04, 2007 08:54 PM   Permalink
Thanks Mr.Murthy . I hope Indian government chooses USA over Iran.

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by yogananda narasimham ayyadevara on May 05, 2007 04:58 PM   Permalink

Read history and propose. White man can never
understand traditional societies. Destruction
of societies to regain authority is not civil.
Technolgy and economic growth need not bring
peace and prosperity for majority. Read more
about colonialism and exploitation. A few
cars and cell phones are not progress.

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by Parimala Badrinath on May 04, 2007 11:50 PM   Permalink
Having lived in the US for the last 15 years now, I can quite confidently state that an average American is quite ignorant about the world at large. He quite readily eats whatever BS if being fed to him by US Govt. Case in point - WMD in Iraq.

That being said, they easily paint Iran as a terrorist state even though Iran has not committed 1 single act of terrorism directly against the US. All it's alleged terrorist acts have been thro' Hezbollah and those are directed against Israel.

OTH, Pakistan is much more of a terrorist state than Iran is; it's terrorism affecting us directly and affecting the US indirectly.

Yet the US Govt has no qualms in supplying Pakistan with military and economic aid and also urging us to go easy on them.

Everytime they lecture us on Iran, someone should remind them of the wretched friends they keep.

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