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by Abdul Naik on May 04, 2007 05:54 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Shia Iran and Sunni Pakistan don't get along well.they are suspicious of each we must establish good relations with iran.enemy of enemy is friend.
35% of kashmiri muslims are shia' a precondition for friendship we can ask iranian leader ayatollah khameini to issue a fatwah to kashmiri shias to support india unconditionally.that will isolate sunni elements in kashmir and they will become minority.being a shia myself who has faced sunni hatred and mistrust all i can say is anyone who is pakistans enemy should be india's friend.

Jai Hind

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by amit mishra on May 04, 2007 06:00 PM   Permalink
You just are a pain in the ***. Always plagued by infighting and tryi ng to use nationalist fervour for your own good. Besides whether india sides with Iran or with US nobody is going to help india, unless it itself gears up to fight the pakis.. india still lives in the gandhian dream world of letting pak slap india on one cheek after another and india just gives the other cheek for the next slap.
What should one do when a spoilt neighbours son tries to molest ur daughter. u dont wait for the police or for the moral standards to come to ur neighbour to save ur daughter. this happens only in movies.

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by P Zipk on May 04, 2007 07:09 PM   Permalink
You are right, Abdul. Being in good terms with Iran is in India's interest. But I do not think Iran would be willing to go as far as openly supporting India on Kashmir.
But it is also in the interest of India to keep a good relation with the US. If the US retaliates, Indian economy would suffer in a very big way. Besides, aided by the US, Pakis can make matters worse for India. India has to play a very balanced and tactful diplomatic dance to be in good terms with both the countries. Currently, Russia and China are also in good terms with Iran, so India is not alone and cornered in this regard. At the end, India will have to do what is in her best interest.

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