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Gas or Nuclear?
by Ragav Devanathan on May 04, 2007 04:42 PM   Permalink

The real crux of the matter is this: as a nation do we want more of gas/petrol based fuel (and energy) or do we want more of nuclear energy. The first will be supplied if we continue to support Iran, but the nuclear co-op deal will fall thru. If we go with the US, petrol/LPG etc prices will keep rising (with its attendant downstream troubles of inflation leading to rising interest rates etc), but household and industrial power will probably be cheaper.

I suggest the parliament do a simple cost-benefit analysis from a long term perspective and close this issue once and for all.

All the other talk about US dictating to us etc is giving undue importance to the messenger - let's focus on the message and how we can use it to our benefit.

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