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Working for people.... bullshit
by Chandra Prakash on May 02, 2007 11:06 AM   Permalink

Gandhi family... working for people - utter bullshit.
This family have been in politics to make money and fill their coffers abroad. They know that they have nothing better to do in life or rather they can't do anything else, so be in politics and gather as much wealth as possible.
Rahul Gandhi also very well knows that despite of having degrees from reputed foreign universities, he will not be able to make that much money from a well paid job, what he can make from the politics. When the whole world is turning to India due to its growing economy, he is not a fool to leave the country and settle elsewhere. Instead of working for a company, he chose to take up politics, where he can have money and power both. It is a bulshit that he is in politics to serve people.

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