Well Rahul is Called future of India by our prime minister. Our future is presently serving the party which is hell bent upon dividing the nation through reservation. Corruption is second name of congress. Daily farmers are dying in various parts of the country. Inflation rate is at the maximum. In delhi lacs of people are now without any means of livelhood because of sealing thanks to sealing drive and no proper action taken by congress. Our future leader do not know what to speak and what he is speaking at the rallies that also he dont know. His world is limited to amethi and near by areas. He dont understands what UP is. Also he is nor aware of the current policies of his own goverment. He never had the courage to speak on reservation. Infact we will request our future leader to fill the form for an IIM and show all of us that he can qualify on a general seat purily on his merits and academic skils. After all a good leader is the one who leads by doing thing himself before asking his team to do that. This option is also open for Mr. Arjun Singh.