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What .... crap is this
by Rajendra Nigam on May 02, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Everyday I see that rediff is publishing some coverage or the other of Rahul Gandhi. It seems that rediff has already started to lick the sole of the shoes of what 'it sees' as a future leader of Congress

Cut this crap rediff, would you.

And if you really wanna have a look at India's future, he is VARUN GANDHI. A smarter, more intelligent and more sound personality than Owl Gandhi, or Rahul Gandi, or Rahul Gandhi, (whatever, its all the same)

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  RE:What .... crap is this
by on May 02, 2007 11:41 AM   Permalink
Varun Gandhi is also from the same family --- son of Sanjay Gandhi. Perhaps you overlooked it as he is the Gandhi face of BJP

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  RE:RE:What .... crap is this
by Rajendra Nigam on May 02, 2007 12:44 PM   Permalink
Ok, I would call him just Varun! If that helps.

Have you seen him talk? The way he can handle situations ??

Being Gandhi is no virtue, its no sin either.

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Rahul changes track in campaign