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no gandhis in congress
by prince prince on May 02, 2007 04:08 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

get the gandhi family out of Congress and see the party and the country prosper

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  RE:no gandhis in congress
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:55 PM   Permalink
ha ha. we saw what congress party did when non-gandhi sitaram kesri was head of the congress. from 400 plus setas they came down to a miserly 100 plus.

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  RE:no gandhis in congress
by arnold on May 02, 2007 04:17 PM   Permalink
Congress party is the Business run by the gandi family.

Only Gandi family members can do any thing in Congress and all other leaders in congress are useless.

Note: above are opinion of Rahul gandi ( a person with distorted vision? Insulting senior leaders in congress!!!!)

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  RE:RE:no gandhis in congress
by wani bhardwaj on May 02, 2007 06:05 PM   Permalink
They cannot, because they are cheaters and looters of this country. Even the surname they are using as the MOST CORRUPT and it shows the meantality of their politics!!!

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  RE:no gandhis in congress
by sudhakar sk on May 02, 2007 05:11 PM   Permalink


You need to get out of your fixed mind set -

Congress Party is made of Extrodinary Indian's ever since its inception -

Each & every person associated with Congress is a enlighten soul and a true Indian,

whether it is Gandhi, Nehru, Patel,Naoroji or Prince.

In reality, only committed people join Indian National Congress and remain with it;

rest fade out into blues - they may shine for a while but it is temporary flick.

Gandhi's and Nehruian Leadership have been acknowldeged World over as visionary's.

Truth need to be accepted not denied;refusal to accept truth happens - only in fools paradise.

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  RE:no gandhis in congress
by prince prince on May 02, 2007 05:42 PM   Permalink
yeah extraordinary.........
Congress is not meant to be only for the Nehru/Gandhis, why have the Gandhis never stepped down even though they don't deserve to be there?
after Independence the Royals were asked to stepped down because India did'nt want the dynasty kind of rule anymore, then how come this Nehru/Gandhi dynasty is still continuing?
and what extraordinary work have they done?
they have just added figures to their bank balance and drained the country dry

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