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Why do we talk to them
by R Singh on Mar 23, 2007 07:33 PM   Permalink

Talking to them is a waste of time. For past 60 years we are doing talking and they are stoking the fires of terrorism and war. Only lnaguage they understand is force and nothing else.

They feel we are weak if we extend our hand for friendship, they feel we are weak if we talk peace with them.

This ridiculous idea that somehow Pakistanis will understand the virtues of mutual coexistence with India is not possible. Their country, their army buildup, their entire orientation is to confront India. It's in their blood and they will not chang their mindset by mere words.

One has to understand the soul of a nation (it's more like a failed state) that believes in perpetual war with India. Their ex-ISI chief Hamid Gul has repeatedly insulted and enraged India with his cavalier "we are equal to 10 of theirs" attitude. If he's the educated elite then I wonder what the rest of these people think.

For Pakistan, peace is something that will allow them to show some Indian songs on their Geo TV. They will mold their entertainment programs to be more accomodating and inclusive to Indian culture. But when it comes to their News, then it's the same old 'Kashmir hamara hai" and settling scores with India.

I cannot trust Pakistan and neither can rest of us.

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