For India to fuel its economic growth, definity we need more energy, that too clean nuclear energy. Our scientist are working hard to bring Fast breeder technolgy to make it success. However we need more energy before that technology put in use.
Our PM Manmohan singh has taken great efforts to clear the hurdle we face for the past 30 years without bending our stand on NPT. Great job. But still we are in half way to our goal. We have to convince NSG to suppply continous fuel for new reactors. For this part, Japan, Australia are tough nuts to crack. Our Ext minister Pranab has taken efforts to convince Japanese. We all stand behind in suceed our Goal.
RE:NSG constraints
by Silly on Mar 23, 2007 06:15 PM Permalink
Nope... India doesn't make enough Uranium to support its civilian energy needs. We need more to augment the nuclear weapons program.
RE:RE:NSG constraints
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:40 AM Permalink
You silly!!! You guys get cooled in NPT under American as nuclear powerrrrr, now blaming Americans!!!
RE:NSG constraints
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:49 AM Permalink
Verrrrrry Enjoyed when sanctions implimented on Indian for Cryogenic rocket, nuclear fuel for tarapur??? Now also trys to enjoy??? Get the fk out of here!!!