RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:21 PM Permalink
u moron bjp u guys have any brains at all? all u guys know is to wave the orange flag(u misuse saffron pure hindu identity by using it for politics) and waste ur time distributing trishuls. u guys are the biggest darpoks and aram-khors of india. dirt fake hindus like u will never know what greatness, wisdom, humility, sacrifice and suffering is as u need to know hinduism in proper and deep context to understand these qualities.
RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:23 PM Permalink
u guys know nothing other than abusing people...u are the dirt of this great land called bharat or sindhu...u people are the asurs of hindu rashtra. from ancient mythological times, u people have been creating problems for everything good in this land. tum lokon ka sarvanash ho.
RE:RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:25 PM Permalink
hiranyakashipu was a proud but arrogant and evil hindu. u people fanatics of sangh parivar are like the asurs of age-old who used to keep troubling the Gods like Vioshnu and Shiva. U people deserve sarvanash and destruction.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:beware of this gandhi..bloody Rapist...
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:21 AM Permalink
Stupid Abhi, wat you know about nationalism, culture & relegion & tolarance .. congress is removing hindu & hinduism bit by bit from the country by supporting .. & that too in the name of secular,.. if we cant save hinduism now then there is no future to india after 100 years,.. coz after all "religion is the permanent politics", now for first time in Tirupati they are building a Church.. (thx for Congress govt permission) can u imagine the same in Vatican or mecca, well why it matters you??? intense desh prema debate se nahi aataa hai, We love BJP coz it talks about strong nationlism which u wont understand..