It is not a question of Supporting political party and then barking like a dog. Friends if you know really what you are talking about then show the proff. Tell how much good Congress has done so far to the lives of common (talk common) Indians. The life has become useless, no quality, no food at the end of the day. Rising prices. What has Congress done. We need the Result to say Yes we are able to see anything (I mean a single thing) Congress has done which has improved the life of a common Indian?
RE:Supporting Political Party
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:15 AM Permalink
congress has done far far greater things for rural india(70% of india's population) than any other party of india. congress is the best option of all evil political parties.
Some of Sonia's steps implemented by UPA: 1. Rural health commission 2. Right to information act 3. Bharat Navnirman yojna 4. Rural employment bill
Now do what you morons can do best by reporting this message for abuse so that no one can read it and you ca go on with your useless rants of how "great" Hindutva is!!!!!
RE:RE:Supporting Political Party
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:36 PM Permalink
Congress is known for passing bills to woo voters, but never implemented in reality. In the words of late Rajiv Gandhi, only 5-10% is actually reaching the needy & rest of them are going into the Congress goondas pockets. Show me how much of the above is implemented. Your congress morons divided this country & continually made India as a hub of all worst activities. Congress should be wiped out.
RE:RE:RE:Supporting Political Party
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 10:17 PM Permalink
atleast congress has good intentions. bjp did not even pass any substantiative bill during its 6 years reign. other parties are worse. if the money is eaten up by middlement the system and the people of the country are to blame. we must have the humility to appreciate good things done by politicians. if you denounce everything done by politicians as hogwash, this robust democracy will become meaningless. the reality is far from that actually. there are good people in this country and people must be smart enough to recognise them.