RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:15 PM Permalink
so that great mahatmas like sushma swaraj(who was rady to tonsure her head even when her husband was alive) or uma bharti can rule india??? tumhara jawab nahin.
RE:RE:RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Abhi on Mar 16, 2007 12:12 AM Permalink
as if BJP does anything at ground level at all...2004 elections was lost mainly because rural India kicked BJP out...Sonia has maximum support in rural India because she is one of the few Indians doing something good for them unlike fake hindus like you who only yap about India's development but are happy earning their salaries from white-skin people's leftover outsourced jobs
RE:RE:RE:RE:Rahul Gandhi to campaign
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:20 AM Permalink
Sure mataji may have rural support may be because playing with emotions of Rural uneducated folks that I am window of Your Indiraji's Bahuji. Ask mataji can she go to a village and take water out of the well. Has she ever visited rural India and taught a kid anything. What is her vision of India. I have never heard her with any visions, except she talk of her husband and Monther in law. May be she shared some of her unknown hidden visions with you? Regarding outsourced jobs of white skin, I am not crying for any whiteskin motaji, you are, are and that also with no base and proff of what they have to make India shine? So who is living on left overs?