Rahul Baba India is not you Jageer,people have shown in Maharashtra,Uttaranchal and Punjab.You are going to loose Delhi,UP,Goa and please dont thionk of Gujrat.I pray to God that Gandhis dont come to Power.Your family is responsible for the plight of UP and India
RE:Dear Rahul
by Sirach B on Mar 15, 2007 10:18 PM Permalink
For your kind information, congress won majority of seats in the Zilla Parisad election which held after mumbai civic election. I understand that the one party rule is coming to end in India, please wants more from each Govt.Lets see what happens when Punjad and Uttaranchal goes to polls after five years..I'm sure Ruling party(BJP) will definetly loose. So please do not write-off any political party.
RE:Dear Rahul
by Abhi on Mar 15, 2007 10:14 PM Permalink
u must be in your hole since congress came to power in 2004....keep remained in that hole so that sane people can't see your face...moron...nehru was the founder of all scientific institutions, indira got rid of pakistan from bangladesh, rajiv was pioneer of telecom revolution, sonia is responsible for getting rid of useless BJP and keeping india free of communalism and with manmohan will usher india into a century where it will become superpoer...and rahul...your guess is as good as mine...he will make india into a superpower...
RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Sharan Patil on Mar 22, 2007 07:29 AM Permalink
stupid, 50 years of power is too much... where one can make a lot of things, i wont count the instances.. just loook at the result we are still DEVELOPING COUNTRY, thanx for earlier ruling parties and Families.. Friends today Congress one point agenda is 'BRING BACK GANDHI FAMILY TO POWER', .. :) well i remember bhagat singh's lines 'Yeh desh hai veeron ka,...'
RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Golu Gayani on Mar 16, 2007 12:37 AM Permalink
Super power or Supe pauper, by selling India to foreign country...... I see current India hungry, not able to feed family and send kids to schools. The powerty has grown many fold. I see live on TV daily fights of life in India for every common man. Atta 10 Rs/Kg, Onion 40 RS kg, Rice 35 Rs Kg, what else. Potatoes, the cheapest is 10 Rs kg. This is Super power India of Swami Rahulji.
RE:RE:Dear Rahul
by Paula Joseph on Mar 16, 2007 08:42 PM Permalink
Ha Ha Ha, getting rid of communalism??? Congress is the root cause of communalism in India, you moron. Who started useless Khilafat & which burnt thousands of hindus? You ass licker of Sonia & Rahul... Day has come to wipe out Congress...