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Mr US of A
by Osho on Mar 08, 2007 10:18 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

All the major problems right from Palestine to Kashmir (ISI - the biggest blunder by americans were trained by CIA which is now a headache to the Indians), Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran to North Korea are American gifts to the world. Why blame the muslims or any other religion or countries?
Guess the world would have been a better place if US does not intervene. And this interference is mainly because of strategic objectives.
Why doesn't US leave the world alone? How long would one country try to be a global police?
Iraq was better off with Saddam than the current problem..again Saddam was created by US. Afghanistan (taliban and Osama - alqaeeda) was supported by US. The palestinians were driven out of jerusalem by Israel and the jews were supported by US. North Korea and South Korea wouldn't have entered a nuclear stand-off, had US not intervened, Iran wouldn't have developed nuclear ambitions, if US wouldn't have intervened. Again these are tip of iceberg, there are other problems created in places like Cuba, columbia, chile and most of south america and most of Africa by the US of A. And for what purposes? OIL and weapon consumption. This is the same US of A who sent their USS enterprise to Bay of bengal as a nuclear threat to India when they ware scared off by USSR...
The day US is convinced that they have no purpose of pakistan, we will be reading that Musharraf met an air or a car accident and after that pakistan will be made to collapse. It may seem good news to India but on a longer run but we may not want a failed state as our bordering nation. That will induce more problems to India. As US will not be the sufferer.

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  RE:Mr US of A
by sanu iitm on Mar 08, 2007 10:49 AM   Permalink
Well said

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India, Pak acted statesman-like'