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This is all vote bank politics
by Anand Reddy on Mar 06, 2007 03:25 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

No body is against uplifting the poor to which ever cast they belong. It is also a fact that an overwhelming majority of poor belong to certain SC, ST, and BC's . They need special previlages like reservations, scholarships and so on. But what is shameful is those who availed of reservations and have become IAS, IPS and other higher positions also claim reservations for their children. It is these who show/parade their brothern , argue for reservations and then corner all the benifts for them selves. If this is the status even if you provide reservations for next two centuries real poor will remain poor and will resutlt is a system of reversed aparthed. The following guidelines should be followed if the aim of reseervations is to help the really disadvantaged
1. Reservations should be given only for one genration
2. Children of officers belonging to SC, ST and BC should not be given this benifit.
3 Empasis should be more on capacity building of these castes than on reservations in the long run
4. Disadvantaged among higher castes if they happen to be economically backward should be given this benifit.
5. Judiciary should have the final say in deciding the appropriateness of a policy concerning reservations- This is to prevent vote bank politics

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  RE:This is all vote bank politics
by subba reddy on Mar 06, 2007 03:30 PM   Permalink
Anand is correct

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  RE:RE:This is all vote bank politics
by ashok setty on Mar 06, 2007 04:14 PM   Permalink
Absolutely right, I am with Anand. Reservation should be on economic status, not on caste.

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  RE:This is all vote bank politics
by Uday Shankar on Mar 06, 2007 03:42 PM   Permalink
Correct. Then reservation should not be taken out. But it should be reached the appropriate people.

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  RE:RE:This is all vote bank politics
by Yogesh on Mar 06, 2007 04:24 PM   Permalink
Patience people !!! 1st it was reservation to backward sections , 2nd is the reservations to Minorities based on religion. Let us come up with a new reservation think innovative.
NEW RESERVATION : to the forward class , bcos none of the earlier reservations caters to them and they are suppressed class now. so SUPPRESSED CLASS reservations !! anybody care to suggest the percentage ??

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  RE:This is all vote bank politics
by alok chaudhari on Mar 06, 2007 03:40 PM   Permalink
Why talk of reservations. Keep it out. Why cant the government give the best education and care to the economically backward children. Why can't the Govt. help the economically illitrates in securing some good jobs.
You know why ?? Because the Govt. is not true to the cause Of people, for the people . Govt is true to the ruling party that holds the office.. and that's the fate.
In the first place why are we guys talking about reservation.We can never build a great nation if we are based on spoon feeding the people based on whatever damn criterions....Jai hind

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
SC to decide fate of quota Wed