Pakis your simply wasting ur money as well as time, whats the use of testing missiles, everyone knows what capable u people, recollect ur memories of 1971 and KARGIL WAR, AB TO SUDAR JAAO PAKISTAN KE SUVARO.
RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by MS on Mar 03, 2007 09:36 PM Permalink
which 55 crores u r talking about?....when country was divided so was the economy... u didnt give was our rightful share
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by MS on Mar 03, 2007 09:48 PM Permalink
why shouldn't the economy be divided? british took power from muslims so logically we should have got the whole economy and power as well....where did u come in the picture,
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 10:13 PM Permalink
What is the difference between abdali and osama? Both were terrorists who took help from traitors wherever they went.
RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Mahesh Nair on Mar 03, 2007 08:51 PM Permalink
hahahahahahaha .. Its very obvious for any to one to see ... as to who is really humiliated here. Please accept our sympathies. You are on the wrong web site, buddy. How long will you fight alone - and that too a losing battle!
RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:27 PM Permalink
Maybe, if it inspires us that much, we would have made an idol of it. At least we don't follow a stolen religion - we don't need to destroy other places of worship to erect ours - we lack the inferiority complex of yours, you see.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What the hell is going on.
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 10:02 PM Permalink
Exactly. We select our form of god based on our inspiration - what's wrong with that? Unlike you, we don't force someone to worship a particular form (less) of god in a particular manner. . PS: Hinduism is a monotheistic religion. We have ONE God with many forms. But that does not mean that worshipping multiple gods is wrong. After all, infinity infinity ... ... ... = infinity itself. Think about it. We do not restrict our God by disallowing Him to have a form or even multiple forms.