The US has almost grabed Pak. He is putting so much defence burden on them that they will be run from Washington soon and Pak PM will be operating from White House. They were 30% match to us in 1971 and in 2021 they will be just 5%.
Nothing to bother only thing which bothers is after all they are our brothers and when your neighbour is being looted in front of y one feel sorry.
Congrat Pak . Keep testing misile every Friday till you reach Qayamat in year 2010.
RE:Pak Misile
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 06:09 PM Permalink
If they conduct missile test in every friday.US government say we will not donate you if you fail to control terririosm.Now Pak finding soultion for poverty and they depend other countries.if things happen then we can easily buy this country for cheap rate.But there will be lot of competition between india and china.