Why cant we Indians admit at least once that Pakistan too has scientists who are capable of making advances in technology. We should not be just under the impression that only Indians can do such things. Every time they test, we are quick to say about help from China, US, North Korea, blah blah... that is bad... if someone is good at something admit the same
RE:Its time to admit !
by Sweet on Mar 03, 2007 10:16 PM Permalink
Not just Indians, no one except china and north korea will admit... coz it ain't the fact.
RE:Its time to admit !
by lax on Mar 03, 2007 08:39 PM Permalink
If pakistan had 'made' these missiles, then, it would have made advances in Space Technology, just like India. But it hasnt. Pakistan, hasnt made & launched its own satellites, so far. Infact, it doesnt have anything related to space, at all. Whereas, India is one of the very few countries, which can make & launch its own satellites. And now, we are aiming for the moon.
And also note that, all test-launches done by pakistan are 'Successful'. Even countries like USA, Russia, China etc had their own share of 'failures'. You can have 100% success, only when you are launching 'readymade' missiles.
RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:16 PM Permalink
But, I fail to understand why we are aiming for the moon. Space advances are good in the long run but why the moon? Although pakistan has no space programme, that is because their islamic policies talk about an islamic world, not an islamic space. So, while they are working away at their goals, we are living in dreams.
RE:Its time to admit !
by Sweet on Mar 03, 2007 08:29 PM Permalink
So u believe that a country which can't even make a car would have made these missiles??? Man these are real, not toys.... u know the amount of effort, logistics, technology, etc required to do these??? U think a terrorist state can handle all that? The world is not dumb man, everyone knows the fact... u need to grow up.
RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by MS on Mar 03, 2007 08:40 PM Permalink
hindu mentality speaking.....when u dont know just shutup....even if pakistan is firing other's missiles they painted it well....not like india who buys everything from russia and israel. and then invite them on a parade to give a demo of what they bought in front of "chief guests"
RE:RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by chotesab on Mar 03, 2007 09:01 PM Permalink
Well said..typical Hindu mentality, the mentality of slaves. Only fit for gulami.
RE:RE:RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Mahesh Nair on Mar 03, 2007 09:08 PM Permalink
Chote sab, your name explains your frustration. And the missile might not be helping that complex either.
RE:RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Sweet on Mar 03, 2007 09:57 PM Permalink
WOW u bet MS... Pakistan should be appreciated coz they painted sooo wellll... sooo welll that all pakis believe whatever the missile testers say...
RE:RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:09 PM Permalink
But it is still better than the mentality of slavery to an enemy country - typical mentality of yours community.
RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
Actually, mike has a point here. I, too, hate pakistan and want it destroyed. But if it were that easy, don't you think it would have been done already? Think about it. Pakistan cannot make cars but until some time back, we also did not make cars. Even now, the most selling cars are from maruti which use japanese technology. We have finnish mobiles with japanese cars and what not. But we also had nuclear weapons at that time. Think about it. Actually, only a terrorist state can handle all this - because they are good at destruction only - they are good with destructive devices. The point, however, unlike mike slater's, is not to appreciate pakistan's capabilities but rather to be careful and invest in our own weapons. This, along with reduction of appeasement policies, are the requirements of the day.
RE:Its time to admit !
by Mars on Mar 03, 2007 08:46 PM Permalink
Hi Mike,
Country which has nuclear technology which was stoled from the Netherlands. Mr. AQ Khan was working at one of nuclear plant in Holland and from there nuclear rector desing was stolen by him and then he became big daddy in Pak.
So, how can you trust them. R&D requires money, which do not have. So, there is no question they developed it. Morever, more than half of the country is involved in terrorism - how is it possible to have man power free for R&D?
RE:RE:Its time to admit !
by Kaushik Das on Mar 03, 2007 09:18 PM Permalink
But they DO have the technology to use against us - that is something of concern. We should immediately remove this congress govt, so that appeasement policies are not followed.