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Abdali? Paki Hero?
by bharatiya on Mar 03, 2007 01:22 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

They name their missiles after all & sundry "conquerers" who invaded India some time or the other. This says a lot about their intentions. They want to remind us of our pathetic military past.

I just want to tell them that they have no hope in the hell of conquering India.

And Guys...just FYI..Abdali, Ghori & Gaznavi were not Paki's. They came from further west of Pak.

The Pakis are celebrating guys who looted, plundered & raped their OWN land along with India. What a neurotic neighbour to have.

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  RE:Abdali? Paki Hero?
by SAYED JAFFAR on Mar 03, 2007 01:39 PM   Permalink
You are absolutely right that most names of Pakistani missiles are after the name of those warriors. And another interesting point is that the areas which were looted and attacked, majority of them, are in Pakistan today.

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  RE:Abdali? Paki Hero?
by shourideb bhattacharyya on Mar 03, 2007 01:34 PM   Permalink
thats obvious friend basically any deeply mystical or religious people have no sense of history or reality eg-pakistan

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak test-fires N-capable missile