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Success has many Fathers
by Deepak Chivate on Jun 30, 2007 05:24 PM   Permalink

Indo American Nuclear deal is like an illegitimate child who is about to be
born but the society in general
(Indian people)is reluctant to accept
it but its Mother (Indian Govt.)is eager
to give birth to the baby and its Father
(USA)is indecisive till the last moment
but at the same time he doesnot want
the Mother to leave him and go to the
other man(Iran pipe line project)nor
the baby die in earlier stages,at least.Relatives of Mother(Left
parties) do not approve the
relationship so also those of
Father(US congress).
In such conditions,if the baby is born anyway,it will be unhealthy and short
lived as it will lack love,affection
from its Father, support from the
society in general as Mother is not
self sufficient and who is again
dependant for vital decisions of
her own on her parent (Sonia Gandhi)
who have adopted her and who listens
to her consultants answerable to
nobody, Mother not being biological
child of her official parents.
And as the proverb says,a failure
is orphan.At the end Mother will
loose all, Father,the other man,
new born baby, parents,her relatives,
society and her credibility,
importantly,I am afraid.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Indo-US nuclear talks in Jul