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Time to return it back
by Ashutosh Batra on Jun 27, 2007 04:53 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is good that Mayawati, unlike other leaders, hadn't hide what she has received from her BSP workers, now keeping in line with her stature - leader of lower caste, she should donate 51Cr out of this 52Cr (1 Cr is good enough for a single lady) so that some of her people/ public can become a part of main streamline which I believe is a ultimate goal of her and BSP Party.

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  RE:Time to return it back
by Joyee Funee on Jun 27, 2007 04:59 PM   Permalink
First of all Why she accepted 52 crore which she cud have easily directed doners to give to the party fund
Moreover the Party represents Poor and Lower caste people
How this people have got 52 crore to dispos off from thier pocket ?
Something fishy

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BSP workers gave me money