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by vijayakumar on Jun 26, 2007 04:46 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Friends
I have filed an online petition titled "Not to support the Indian congress party in the next election". As we all know that Dr.kalam's only aim is to serve and Develop India. But Sonia failed to support the honest and the most eligible person for the post, which is against most of the Indian citizen's wish. Since she failed to respect the people's wish i request you guys not to support her in the next election. I dont belong to Congress or BJP or any other political party, Im a simple gradute student.

I request you guys to sign and support this petition.

Im going to submit this petition to COngress, Left and Lalu before Dr.Kalam step down.

We need to show our strength.

Kindly Support.

Sincere Thanks

Vijayakumar S

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by Critic Creative on Jun 26, 2007 09:12 PM   Permalink
Dear Mr. Petitioner, Its a good idea that you started this campaign but you look partisan. It is UPA(A group of majority political parties) that have not supported Mr. Kalam for the second term. But you target only congress. You look like you are a staunch BJP supporter. You have to remember that the Congress also supported when Kalam contested for the first time. He got his chance and he did extremely well suring his term in office. We are all greatful for that. No one knows about this side of his Character before he was a president. He was a great scientist and he proved himself to be a model first citezen when he is given a chance. We are a country of 100 Crores. Every one in this country needs to be representen well in a democracy. A scientist is given a chance. Now it may be a term of a politician. Think in broad sense. You and I like a scientist to be a President but there are many others who wants a politicain to be a President. We have to accept that as they are the majority and ours is a democracy.

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by Rajesh Kambli on Jun 26, 2007 04:45 PM   Permalink
go to hell

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by Arshad Hussain Sheikh on Jun 26, 2007 04:46 PM   Permalink
Excellent...well said

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UP debacle requires attention