i want to know why my message i love the land of pure has been reported for abuse , i havent abused or uesd uncivilised language , hypocrites!!whoever reported the message for abuse
RE:i want to know
by Abdul Rehman on Jun 15, 2007 05:19 PM Permalink
hey cutlet, the site you got information on Islam is a fradulent site..go to ur muslim friend and ask him.. I dont know how to make u understand but u wont understand
RE:i want to know
by epsilon on Jun 16, 2007 11:19 AM Permalink
Mr. Panday, You chose to project the view of the 30% and easily skipped the view of the 70%. So I can just describe it as poverty of mind.
RE:i want to know
by Sunit Kumar on Jun 15, 2007 06:36 PM Permalink
Abdul Rehman, no matter people from all religions do violence no one does it by saying that i am doing this for the following lines written in my religious book, where as the opposite is true, how much u say that its a peaceful reaction, the outcome is different, its like this IF the output is wrong than the input has to be wrong, u just cant say that the input was right and output was wrong was an exception.
RE:i want to know
by Shankar Panday on Jun 15, 2007 08:59 PM Permalink
You see Rehman this is your problem..u only want to rectify non Muslims, u want to build bridges and make others understand about Islam...no one gives a rats ass if 30% of American Muslims think suicide is justified for Islam..now u will say this is not supported by Islam its misinterpretation blah blah..so why doesnt someone go and educate them??? Even Iqbal thought breaking idols was a great Islamic duty..so why u want to preach otherwise Rehman sahab??