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Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by vidhi rajkumar on Jun 15, 2007 04:51 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Both India and Pakistan were created on the same day. In India the mood was freedom from England. In Pakistan the mood was freedom from India. They perceived us as we have preceived the English. Hence the mistrust i guess.
In the quest for Kashmir, both the countries as suffering and loosing out in the race. India due to its size and secular credentials has been able to weather the negatives to a large extent though not fully. But Pakistan has been lagging behind only because of their mistrust, misinformation and religion.
I think Indians have taken democracy for granted. But it is becasue of our freedom of expression we have come so far. I only hope Pakistanis realise that and go all out to win back the freedom they got and rule themselves rather than depend on stooges or proxies of other countries.
It is benefitial to all of us to have a good relationship among all South asian nations. Only that will make the west shiver, and probably thats why they play all the games to keep us apart.


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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sunit Kumar on Jun 15, 2007 06:36 PM   Permalink
vidhi rajkumar a very well written message.

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sheetal Kaur on Jun 15, 2007 05:27 PM   Permalink
Vidhi Rajkumar there is slight discrepancy in your reply, Pakistan did not seek independence from India, before the partition Pakistan did not exist, and since it did not exist it could not have asked for independence.
Pakistan was created as an independent state carved out of India.
Pakistan was born a day before India got Independence.

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  RE:RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sunit Kumar on Jun 15, 2007 06:36 PM   Permalink
Sheetal Kaur ur right Technically but what vidhi rajkumar has said is perfectly right, i hope u get it !!

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Abdul Rehman on Jun 15, 2007 05:29 PM   Permalink
Wester countries will not let happen on what you said at any cost..
Ppl in this world will fight always for power,land and resource...there wont be any will come to an end..u or me cant bring peace..humans are cheaters

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Shankar Panday on Jun 15, 2007 10:47 PM   Permalink
there u go blaming the west again...y do u forget even ur Islamic oil wealth is dug up by Americans or Dutch or Brits?? even ur Suez canal was made by French...Muslims did diddly man!! dont go on blaming west west west....if America stops buying Arab oil it would sell for $5 a demand no value.

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sam on Jun 16, 2007 02:56 AM   Permalink
I hope the east and west come up with some cheap alternate viable form of energy. That should send Saudi back to 600 AD within a decade.

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by priyanka tyagi on Jun 15, 2007 05:49 PM   Permalink
Mr. rehman you seem to blow up all candles of hope. What happened? bad day?

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Abdul Rehman on Jun 15, 2007 06:12 PM   Permalink
yeah priyanka..Think its a bad day..
But thats my view..Soon the day will come where ever1 will anticipate for death instead of living in this earth

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sam on Jun 15, 2007 09:56 PM   Permalink
Hey Abdul Rehman,

You might be born into particular religion through not your fault..but you must be old enough to decide whether to continue or not in that?...Hey cheer up man, there are good things also in this world....u got lot of people on rediff ur friends...millions and millions of people are surviving in this planet without following some stupid religion...and if u want to believe in god, which from your posts it doesnt look like, why you want middleman? In english there is a word for middleman..pimp..aka prophet

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  RE:Pakistan - why are not the citizens thinking?
by Sunit Kumar on Jun 15, 2007 06:31 PM   Permalink
Abdul Rehman, i dont like the tone of ur messages. I think ur getting nervous for no reason, cheer man,
Gar hame oomid laa de,
Do Doo Ghoot bhi ho jaaye to koi gam nahi !!!

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No way to treat Pakistan