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by epsilon on Jun 15, 2007 10:07 PM   Permalink
So what solution do you suggest ?

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by epsilon on Jun 16, 2007 12:05 PM   Permalink
Thanks for always keeping Islam in question. This will help muslims to understand their religion better. When you quote from the Quran, any muslim reading your post goes to the Quran to verify it and in the process introduces himself/herself to the other parts of Quran. Thanks for helping muslims to study and understand Islam. I am grateful for your efforts. I have the answer to you question but before I answer your question I had asked a question for which you are yet to provide me with an answer.
If muslims should not follow Islam then which religion should they follow and why ?

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by Sam on Jun 16, 2007 10:55 PM   Permalink
It is a peaceful religion where even if u r extremely religious it doesnt cause problem like others, unlike Islam ur so called religion of peace(which if others dont agree they will die)

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by navin aysola on Jun 16, 2007 01:16 PM   Permalink
The difference is simple. Most religions in this world do not take up arms to prove their point. Unfortunately the radical Islamists have done this time and time again. And in some cases have the backing of the government.

In most countries, the governments formulate foreign policies. Governments that are answerable to their people. Unfortunate incidents like Godhra don't get lost in Oblivion.

But if you take the countries ruled with religion as it's main agenda, then things are bound to be tough and in many cases brutal to the people.

That's why Bajrang Dals and Shiv Senas can never come to power in India. But someone like Hizbul Mujahdeen will come to power in an Islamic country.

The Islamic world should stop complaining about the influence of the West. Instead they should be trying to get their people's support. Through dialogue, through people participation, by doing away with stringent rules that gives little or no scope for freedom of thought!!

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by epsilon on Jun 16, 2007 02:30 PM   Permalink
Can you tell me about one religion that has not used violence to prove its point ?

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by Sam on Jun 16, 2007 10:53 PM   Permalink

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by Akshay Bhatt on Jun 19, 2007 02:05 AM   Permalink
In modern times, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. And from the rest, none are brutal as your Islam-The Religion of Peace.

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No way to treat Pakistan