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Overestimates agressive actions
by N Yadav on Jun 17, 2007 12:42 AM   Permalink

While I agree with the authors scenario of a limbo puppet state goal for the US, there are some points which are unbelievable.
How exactly can the US foment trouble in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan when Pak Baluchistan itself has a virulent anti-Pak movement? Thats like India trying to foment insurgency in POK through Indian held Kashmir. The author also claims that militant Islam is being manupilated to serve US interests. How can militant Islam serve US interests in an convoluted game when it is now a proven fact that jihadi's are a uncontrollable force even for states like Syria and even for the extremist outfits like Hammas. Moreover they are all consistently anti-US.
The central Asia scramble has to do with preventing spread of militant islam to those regions and secure their petroleum reserves.

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