What purpose it serves? In certain cases court says that pay 2 lakh fine or 6 months sentence extra. That means anyone who has powerful/rich family can get away with light sentences while other poor people end up higher sentence for same crime??? In this case Mr. Gupta has been in jail for 14 years how can he pay 2 Lakh fine? If court believe that rigorous life imprisonment is right sentence for him, then why bother to drama of imposing fine on him? And if that was not enough sentence then give capital punishment.
Many accused been in jail for 14 years waiting for verdict, after that period whether they are found guilty or not guilty does not make any difference. We have to change our justice system to speed up process.
I am not sympathetic for these terrorists, however we have to make fundamental changes in the way we deal with accused in our system.
A criminal should not be able to get away in any case, on contrary an innocent should not be punished wrongly.
Delayed justice is denial of justice!
End of the day main accused of this case are living good life away from India and others are punished.